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刘志锋/Liu Zhifeng

2023年06月13日 17:54  点击:[]
















(1)02/2004~06/2006,天津大学材料学院, 博士.













天津市节能玻璃企业重点实验室学术委员会主任,天津市硅酸盐学会理事,中国硅酸盐学会测试技术分会理事,Advanced Powder Materials、天津城建大学学报等期刊编委等。









(1) 2019.10~2021.09,光电催化降解污染物新型光电极的研发(编号:19YFSLQY00020),天津市重点研发计划项目—京津冀三地联合攻关项目,完成,主持;









(1)刘志锋,鄂磊,赵丹,编著. 无机非金属材料物理性能. 北京:化学工业出版社,2022.07 ISBN 978-7-122-41150-1

(2)刘志锋,郭振刚,著. 氧化物基光电极的构筑及光电催化性能. 北京:中国石化出版社,2020.11 ISBN 978-7-5114-6041-7

(3)刘志锋,吴湘锋,王惠,著. 几类典型光催化材料的结构和性能. 北京:中国石化出版社,2020.11 ISBN 978-7-5114-6040-0



(1)Shaoce Zhang, Bo Zhang, Dong Chen,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan,Zhifeng Liu*.Promising pyro-photo-electric catalysis in NaNbO3via integrating solar and cold-hot alternation energy in pyroelectric-assisted photoelectrochemical system.Nano Energy, 2021, 79: 105485.【IF:19.069;JCR一区】ESI

(2)Jianhua Han, Huiyu Yan, Chenxi Hu, Qinggong Song, Jianhai Kang, Yanrui Guo,Zhifeng Liu*. Simultaneous modulation of interface reinforcement, crystallization, anti-reflection and carrier transport in Sb gradient-doped SnO2/Sb2S3heterostructure for efficient photoelectrochemical cell.Small,2022,18: 2105026.【IF:15.153;JCR一区】

(3)Shaoce Zhang1, Dong Chen1,Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan,Zhengang Guo.Novel strategy for efficient water splitting through pyro-electric and pyro-photo-electric catalysis of BaTiO3by using thermal resource and solar energy.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2021,284: 119686.【IF:24.319;JCR一区】ESI

(4)Shaoce Zhang,Zhifeng Liu*,Dong Chen, Weiguo Yan.An efficient hole transferpathway on hematite integrated by ultrathin Al2O3interlayer and novel CuCoOxcocatalyst for efficientphotoelectrochemical water oxidation.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2020,277: 119197.【IF:24.319;JCR一区】ESI

(5)Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Junwei Li, Mengnan Ruan,Zhengang Guo.An effective strategy of constructing multi-junction structure by integratingaheterojunction andahomojunction to promote charge separation and transfer efficiency of WO3.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2020, 8: 6256-6267.【IF:14.511;JCR一区】ESI

(6)Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*,Shaoce Zhang.Enhanced PEC performance of hematite photoanode coupled with bimetallic oxyhydroxide NiFeOOH through a simpleelectroless method.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2020,265: 118580.【IF:24.319;JCR一区】ESI

(7)Shaoce Zhang,Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Lei E, Wei Zhao, Dan Zhao, Xiangfeng Wu, Daimei Chen.Enhanced piezoelectric-effect-assisted photoelectrochemical performance in ZnO modified with dual cocatalysts.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2020,262: 118279.【IF:24.319;JCR一区】ESI

(8)Miao Zhou1,Zhengang Guo1,Zhifeng Liu*. FeOOH as hole transfer layer to retard the photocorrosion ofCu2Ofor enhancedphotoelctrochemical performance.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2020,206: 118213.【IF:24.319;JCR一区】

(9)Miao Zhou,Zhihua Liu, Qinggong Song, Xifei Li, Bowen Chen,Zhifeng Liu*. Hybrid 0D/2D edamame shaped ZnIn2S4photoanode modified byCo-Pi and Ptforcharge management towardsefficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2019,244: 188-196.【IF:24.319;JCR一区】ESI

(10)Miao Zhou,Zhengang Guo*, Qinggong Song, Xifei Li,Zhifeng Liu*. Improved photoelectrochemical response ofCuWO4/BiOI p-n heterojunction embedded with plasmonic Ag nanoparticles.Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,370: 218-277.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】

(11)Zhifeng Liu1*, Qinggong Song1, Miao Zhou*,Zhengang Guo, Jianhai Kang, Huiyu Yan.Synergistic enhancement of charge management and surface reaction kinetics by spatially separated cocatalysts and p-n heterojunctions in Pt/CuWO4/Co3O4photoanode.Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,374: 554-563.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】ESI

(12)Shaoce Zhang,Zhifeng Liu*,Dong Chen, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan.Oxygen vacancies engineering in TiO2homojunction/ZnFe-LDH for enhanced photoelectrochemical wateroxidation.Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,395: 125101.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】ESI

(13)Haiyang Xing, Lei E, Zhengang Guo, Dan Zhao,Zhifeng Liu*.Enhancement in the charge transport and photocorrosion stability of CuO photocathode: the synergistic effect ofspatially separateddual-cocatalysts and p-n heterojunction.Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,394: 124907.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】

(14)Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan,Mengnan Ruan.Decorating Cu2Ophotocathodewith noble-metal-free Al and NiS cocatalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting by light harvesting management and charge separation design.Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,381: 122655.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】ESI

(15)Jinyang Li, Chunyan Hu, Baojiang Liu*,Zhifeng Liu*.Dual pathway reduction of Mo4+and photogenerated electrons restorecatalytic sites to enhance heterogeneous peroxymonosulfate activation system.Chemical Engineering Journal,2023,452:139246.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】

(16)Quanyou Zhao,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan.The collaborative mechanism of surface S-vacancies and piezoelectric polarization for boosting CdS photoelectrochemicalperformance.Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,433: 133226.【IF:16.744;JCR一区】

(17)Shaoce Zhang,Zhifeng Liu*,Weiguo Yan, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan.Decorating non-noble metalplasmonic Al on TiO2/Cu2O photoanode to boostperformance inphotoelectrochemical water splitting.Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2020, 41: 1884-1893.【IF:12.920;JCR一区】

(18)Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Xifei Li.The 1DWO3nanorods/2DWO3-xnanoflakes homojunction structure for enhancedcharge separationand transfer towards efficient photoelectrochemical performance.ChemSusChem, 2019,12: 5282-5290.【IF:9.140;JCR一区】

(19)Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan.3D branched Ca-Fe2O3/Fe2O3decorated with Pt and Co-Pi: improved charge separation dynamics and photoelectrochemical performance.ChemSusChem, 2019,12: 3286-3295.【IF:9.140;JCR一区】

(20)Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan,Xifei Li, Yilin Liu.EfficientWO3photoanode modified byPtlayer and plasmonicAgfor enhanced charge separation and transfertopromotephotoelectrochemical performances.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019,7: 12582-12590.【IF:9.224;JCR一区】

(21)Hongqian Zhao, Yue Meng, Haiyan Yu*, Zixu Li,Zhifeng Liu*.1D/2D Co3O4/NiO composite film for high electrochromic performance.Ceramics International, 2022,48:32205-32212.【IF:5.532;JCR一区】

(22)Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li.A promising p-type Co-ZnFe2O4nanorods film as photocathode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Chemical Communications, 2020, 56: 5279-5282.【IF:6.065;JCR二区】

(23)Hongxia Qian,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan,Weiguo Yan.A promisingternary sulfidebidirectionalp-n heterojunctionfor unassisted tandem photoelectrochemical cell.Chemical Communications, 2021,51: 4910-4913.【IF:6.065;JCR二区】

(24)Hongmiao Zhou, Ruolin Chen, Changcun Han*, Pan Wang, Zhengfu Tong, Baohua Tan, Yizhong Huang,Zhifeng Liu*. Copper phosphide decorated g-C3N4catalysts for highly efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2022, 610: 126-135.【IF:9.965;JCR二区】

(25)Tianhao Li,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan,Yongjin Zou*,Zhifeng Liu*.Doping regulating spontaneous polarization and pyroelectric effects to synergistically promote the water splitting efficiency of niobate(KxNa1-xNbO3)pyro-photo-electrical coupling system.Applied Surface Science, 2022,592: 153255.【IF:7.392;JCR二区】

(26)Jingke You,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Yue Meng, Junwei Li.Manipulating the charge separation via piezoelectric field and heterojunction to enhance the photoelectrochemicalwater splitting ability of Bi2WO6/BiOBr photoanode.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022,47: 38609-38621.【IF:7.139;JCR二区】

(27)Tianhao Li,Zhifeng Liu*,Yue Meng.Two-dimensional ultra-thin nanosheets optimize thesurfacereaction dynamics and photo/pyro-generated carrier transfer of NaNbO3for efficient pyro-photo-electric catalytic system.Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2022, 6: 4227-4239.【IF:6.813;JCR二区】

(28)Jingke You,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan.Doping of W ions to modulate the polarization intensity of Bi2WO6for efficient piezoelectric-photoelechochemicalwatersplitting.ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5: 11472-11482.【IF:6.959;JCR二区】

(29)ZixuLi,Zhifeng Liu*,Lei Zhao, Ying Chen, Junwei Li, Weiguo Yan.Efficient electrochromic efficiency and stability of amorphous/crystalline tungsten oxide film.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2023, 930: 167405.【IF:6.371;JCR二区】

(30)Zhenxiang Qiao,Zhifeng Liu*, Weiguo Yan, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Xiangfeng Wu.Pyro-photo-electric catalysis in Bi2WO6nanostructures for efficient degradation of dyes under thermal-assisted visible light irradiation.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022,892: 162203.【IF:6.371;JCR二区】

(31)Changcun Han, Pengfei Su, Baohua Tan, Xinguo Ma, Hui Lv, Chuyun Huang, Pan Wang, Zhengfu Tong, Gen Li, Yizhong Huang,Zhifeng Liu*. Defective ultra-thin two-dimensional g-C3N4photocatalyst for enhanced photocatalytic H2evolution activity.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2021, 581: 159-166.【IF:9.965;JCR二区】ESI

(32)Zhichao Hao, Mengnan Ruan*, Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Xiangfeng Wu,Zhifeng Liu*.The synergistic role with photosensitivity effect and extended space charge region on inorganic-organic WO3/PANI photoanode for efficient PEC water splitting.Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2021, 5: 2893-2906.【IF: 6.813;JCR二区】

(33)Ling Wei,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Yue Meng*, Weiguo Yan. Synergisticusesolid solution and cocatalystonCoxCd1-xS/NiyFe1-y-LDHforefficient and stablephotoelectrochemical performance.ACS Applied Energy Materials,2021, 4: 7233-7241.【IF:6.959;JCR二区】

(34)Quanyou Zhao,Zhifeng Liu*, Junwei Li, Weiguo Yan, Jing Ya, Xiangfeng Wu.Piezoelectric polarization assisted WO3/CdS photoanode improved carrier separation efficiency via CdS phase regulation.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021,46: 36113-36123.【IF:7.139;JCR二区】

(35)Zhichao Hao, Zhengang Guo*, Mengnan Ruan, Jing Ya, Yong Yang, Xiangfeng Wu,Zhifeng Liu*.Multifunctional WO3/NiCo2O4heterojunctionwith extensively exposed bimetallic Ni/Co redox reaction sites for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.ChemCatChem, 2021,13: 271-280.【IF:5.497;JCR二区】

(36)Hongxia Qian,Zhifeng Liu*,Bo Zhang, Junwei Li, Jing Ya.Optimized the carrier transport path and separation efficiency of 2D/2D heterojunction in photoelectrochemical water splitting.ChemCatChem, 2021,13: 1940-1950.【IF:5.497;JCR二区】

(37)Hongxia Qian,Zhifeng Liu*,Jing Ya, Ying Xin, Jianli Ma, Xiangfeng Wu.Construction homojunction and co-catalyst in ZnIn2S4photoelectrode by Co ion doping for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021,867: 159028.【IF:6.371;JCR二区】

(38)Zhengang Guo,Zhifeng Liu*.Synthesis and control strategies of nanomaterials for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Dalton Transactions,2021, 50: 1983-1989.【IF:4.569;JCR二区】ESI

(39)Zhenxiang Qiao,Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Xiangfeng Wu.Thermal excitation polarized field drives photo-electric catalysis to achieve efficient degradation of dyes in BaTiO3/CdS heterojunction through integration ofsolar and thermal energy.ChemPhotoChem,2021,5:1106-1118.【IF:3.679;JCR二区】

(40)Zhenxiang Qiao, Chengyi Wang*, Yongjin Zou*, Xiangfeng Wu,Zhifeng Liu*.Oxygen vacancy and pyroelectric polarization collaboratively enhancing PEC performance in BaTiO3photoelectrodes.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2022,647: 129073.【IF:5.518;JCR二区】

(41)Mingyang Ma, Lei E*, Dan Zhao, Ying Xin, Xiangfeng Wu, Yue Meng*,Zhifeng Liu*.The p-n heterojunction of BiVO4/Cu2O was decorated byplasmaAgNPs forefficientphotoelectrochemicaldegradation ofRhodamineB.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2022,633: 127834.【IF:5.518;JCR二区】

(42)Zixu Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Junwei Li, Weiguo Yan.The electrochromic properties of the film enhanced by introducing oxygen vacancies to crystalline tungsten oxide.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2022,641: 128615.【IF:5.518;JCR二区】

(43)Zhifeng Liu*,Zhenxiang Qiao, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan.Doping Sr and introducing oxygen vacanciesinBa0.7Sr0.3TiO3-Xsynergistically promote thepyro-photo-electriccatalysis performance.ChemCatChem, 2022,14: e202200357.【IF:5.497;JCR二区】

(44)Quanyou Zhao1, Zhichao Hao1, Yue Meng*,Zhifeng Liu*.The synergistic effect of surface and bulk O vacancies in WO3photoanode to advance carriers separation and light harvesting for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Dalton Transactions,2022,51: 6454-6463.【IF:4.569;JCR二区】

(45)Hongxia Qian,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Jianli Ma.Hexagonalphase/cubicphase homogeneous ZnIn2S4n-njunction photoanodefor efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020, 830:154639.【IF:6.371;JCR二区】

(46)Yayao Lan,Mengnan Ruan*, Zhengang Guo, Jianli Ma,Zhifeng Liu*.2Dtremella-likeCo6Al2CO3(OH)16•4H2O in-situ growing on 1D rod-shape ZnFe2O4toacceleratethesurface reaction kinetics for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823: 153714.【IF:6.371;JCR二区】

(47)Zhichao Hao,Zhifeng Liu*, Yanting Li,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan.Enhancedphotoelectrochemicalperformance of 2D core-shell WO3/CuWO4uniform heterojunction via in situ synthesis and modification of Co-Pi co-catalyst.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2020,45:16550-16559.【IF:7.139;JCR二区】

(48)Zhengang Guo*,Xiaofeng Wang,Yangqin Gao,Zhifeng Liu*.Co/Cu-modified NiO film grown on nickel foam as a highly active and stable electrocatalyst for overall water splitting.Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49: 1776-1784.【IF:4.569;JCR二区】

(49)Haiyang Xing, Lei E, Dan Zhao, Xifei Li,Mengnan Ruan*,Zhifeng Liu*.High-efficiency and stable cupric oxide photocathodecoupled withAl surface plasmon resonanceandAl2O3self-passivation.Chemical Communications,2019,55: 15093-15096.【IF:6.065;JCR二区】

(50)Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li, Yufeng Zhao.2Delongatedpolyhedral-likeYVO4films: a novel photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Chemical Communications,2019,55: 10468-10471.【IF:6.065;JCR二区】

(51)Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Ying Xin. Acceleratingthecharge separation of ZnFe2O4nanorods by Cu-Sn ions gradient doping for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019,552: 111-121.【IF:9.965;JCR二区】

(52)Haiyang Xing, Lei E*, Zhengang Guo, Dan Zhao, Xifei Li,Zhifeng Liu*.Exposing photocorrosion mechanism and control strategies of CuO photocathode.Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019,6: 2488-2499.【IF:7.779;JCR二区】

(53)Peidong Wu,Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo,Lei Zhao.Cobalt-phosphatemodified Fe-Zn0.2Cd0.8S/CuSbS2heterojunctionphotoanode with multiple synergistic effectforenhancingphotoelectrochemicalwatersplitting.Applied Surface Science,2019,476: 716-723.【IF:7.392;JCR二区】

(54)Peidong Wu,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo,Xifei Li,Lei Zhao.Zn1-xCdxSnanowall photoanodepreparedviaseed layer epitaxial growthmethod and modified by dual co-catalystfor photoelectrochemical water splitting.Applied Surface Science,2019,467-468: 65-74.【IF:7.392;JCR二区】

(55)Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*, Gang Liu,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Hui Rong, Xifei Li. 1D ZnFe2O4nanorods coupled with plasmonic Ag, Ag2S nanoparticles and Co-Pi cocatalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,44: 19841-19854.【IF:7.139;JCR二区】

(56)Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Jing Zhang, Zhengang Guo, Ying Xin,Lei Zhao.1D/0D WO3/CdSheterojunctionphotoanodes modified with dual co-catalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,790: 493-501.【IF:6.371;JCR二区】ESI

上一条:刘汉桥/Liu Hanqiao 下一条:赵洪宾/Zhao Hongbin


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