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University in Tianjin promotes international education with Polish counterparts

2021年07月16日 11:25  点击:[]

6月30日,CHINA DAILY对天津城建大学与波兰两所高校举行线上“40001百老汇官网电子游戏合同签署仪式暨联合管理委员会和学术委员会第一次会议”做了如下报道:

Tianjin Chengjian University (TCU) of China, Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) and Cracow University of Technology (CUT) of Poland held a Contract Signing Ceremony for the International School of Engineering (ISE) & the school’s First Meeting of Joint Management and Academic Committees on Jun 22.

ISE is Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run institution jointly established by TCU, BUT and CUT. It was approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education in December, 2019 as the first joint institution between China and Poland.

It is dedicated to establishing an international cultivation system for engineering talents through introducing world leading educational concepts and quality educational resources.

Li Zhongxian, president of TCU and chairman of the ISE Joint Management Committee, expressed his wish of building ISE into a high-level international school and a role model for Sino-Polish educational cooperation by continuously promoting the ISE educational level and giving full play to respective advantages.

Further cultural exchange and collaboration between China and Poland is also an aim of the three members.  

Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, the rector of BUT and a member of the ISE Joint Management Committee, expressed her gratitude for the efforts the three universities have made during the past four years in ISE preparation, operation and contract signing. She hoped they will take this meeting as an opportunity to build a bright future together by providing quality education to ISE students

The Rector of CUT, Professor Andrzej Bialkiewicz, emphasized that the crucial role of ISE is to educate talents who are capable of leading the development of the world. Sincere cooperation between the three universities is the most effective way to guarantee that ISE students will be able to seize opportunities and overcome all the challenges in their lives.

Future working plans for ISE construction and cooperation details among the three universities were agreed during the meeting.

The signing ceremony and the first meetings of the Joint Management and Academic Committees further clarified the details of future cooperation among three universities and laid a solid foundation for the future development of ISE by introducing quality educational resources from Poland and improving the quality of cooperative education. The meeting was another important milestone in TCU’s international cooperation, and vividly showed the glamorous image of TCU and of China.

上一条:天津城建大学与波兰两所高校推动建设40001百老汇官网电子游戏 下一条:天津城建大学与波兰两所高校共同签署合同并举行联合管理委员会和学术委员会第一次会议


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