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Top ten events of ISE| 国工2023年大盘点

2023年12月28日 10:34  点击:[]



In March, we welcomed37architecture and landscape architecture postgraduatesback from Poland at the end of their study exchange. So far,the dispatch rate of all 49 postgraduates of class 21 reached 100 per cent.

2/ 4月,启动“多彩国工 青春绽放”系列主题文化活动,每月一主题,全年共举办了艺术节、读书节、辩论赛、传统文化节、国际文化节等多场活动,深受大家欢迎和好评。

In April,a series of thematic cultural activities called “Colourful ISE Youth Blooming”was launched,with a theme every month. Throughout the year, a number of activities were held, such asArt Festival, Reading Festival, Debate Competition, Traditional Culture Festival, International Culture Festival,and so on, which were well received by the students and highly praised.

3/ 6月,获批成立40001百老汇官网电子游戏党总支,成功选举产生了第一届的总支委员会,并开展“国工雁阵”党员骨干培育工程。

In June,the General Party Branch of the School of International Engineeringwas approvedto be established,the first General Party Branch Committeewas successfully elected, and the“ISE Goose Formation”party cadre cultivation project was carried out.

4/7月波兰克拉科夫工业大学校长Andrzej SZARATA率团来天津城建大学交流访问,进一步推动两校增进理解、夯实40001百老汇官网电子游戏合作事宜。

In July,Andrzej SZARATA, President of the Technical University of Krakow, Poland, led a delegation to the university for exchange visits, which further promoted the two universities to enhance understanding and consolidate cooperation.


In August,we welcomed the freshmen of 2023 undergraduate and graduate students,andthe ISE scale reached1043students.

6/ 9月顺利派出第三批学生赴波兰两所大学进行交流学习,包括2021级本科生与2022级研究生198名和3名教师。派出人数规模是目前最多的一次。

In September,the third batch of students,including 198 undergraduatesof the class of 2021 and graduate students of the class of 2022, andthree teachers,were successfully sent to two Polish universities for exchange programmes. The number of students sent isthe largestso far.

7/ 10月天津城建大学代表团访问波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学和克拉科夫工业大学,看望了在波兰学习交流的40001百老汇官网电子游戏师生,并进一步拓展合作办学领域。

In October,a delegation of the university visited the Technical University of Białystok and the Technical University of Cracow in Poland,to further expand the field of co-operation,and visited the teachers and students of our school who are studying in Poland.

8/ 10月中国驻波兰大使馆教育参赞易军,看望了在波兰交流学习的40001百老汇官网电子游戏师生。

In October,Yi Jun, Educational Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Poland,and others visited ISE students and teachers who were studying in Poland.

9/ 11月波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学、克拉科夫工业大学分别派出三批9名教授来校教学。学院组织了“我与外籍教师逛津城”等丰富多样的活动。

In November,the Technical University of Białystok and the Technical University of Kraków sent three batches of nine professors to teach at the TCU. The college organized a variety of activities, such as“A Walk around Tianjin with Foreign Teachers”.

10/ 12月,天津城建大学与波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学、克拉科夫工业大学通过线上线下相结合的方式召开40001百老汇官网电子游戏联合管理委员会和学术委员会第三次会议

In December,the third meeting of the Joint Management Committee and Academic Committee of the International School of Engineering was heldwith the Technical University of Białystok and the Technical University of Krakow in Poland through a combination of online and offline methods.

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