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2023年11月23日 09:35  点击:[]


砥砺前行担使命 青春有为谱新篇

团日活动|Communist Youth League Day activities

加强团的建设是保持共青团生机和活力的根本保障。为使 2023级新生更好的适应大学生活,成为学校事业发展和学风建设的生力军。校团委决定开展本学期团日活动。

Strengthening the construction of the Communist Youth League is the fundamental guarantee for maintaining its vitality and vitality. In order to better adapt to university life and become a new force in the development of the school's career and the construction of the academic atmosphere, 2023 freshmen will be encouraged. The school Youth League Committee has decided to carry out this semester's Youth League Day activities.


2023年11月23日 晚上19:00

November 23, 2023 at 19pm



Mingfei Hall, Second Floor Auditorium

“砥砺前行担使命 青春有为谱新篇”主题团日活动,期待您的到来!

We look forward to your arrival at the themed Communist Youth League Day activities of "Forge Ahead, Undertake Mission, Youth and Achieve New Stories".

上一条:【多彩国工】筑梦青春,职引未来—40001百老汇官网电子游戏第一届职业规划大赛圆满举办 下一条:校领导亲切会见40001百老汇官网电子游戏波方来校授课教授代表团


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