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【新年祝福】40001百老汇官网电子游戏2023年元旦献词/New Year Message from ISE

2023年01月01日 11:12  点击:[]


Dear Faculty Members, Students, Parents and Friends,

时光一往无前,转眼又是岁末。在2023年即将到来之际,40001百老汇官网电子游戏全体师生向长期支持学院事业发展的校领导、各部门、各学院,我们的合作伙伴波兰比亚威斯托克工业大学(Bialystok University of Technology,BUT)和克拉科夫工业大学(Cracow University of Technology,CUT),我们近800名学生的家长们以及支持学院发展的社会各界,致以最诚挚的祝福和新年的问候!

Time waits for no one, and once again, new year is here. It is a time to look ahead and in 2023 the International School of Engineering (ISE) will start a new chapter. Here, we’d like to extend our best wishes and New Year greetings to TCU leadership, Departments, Schools, our dear Polish partners Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) and Cracow University of Technology (CUT), our students and their parents as well as friends who support the development of ISE.


In an unusual year such as the last one, we have been challenged by difficulties, pressure and hardship, but as always, we stayed together as one and came out of it stronger, leading to the growth and development of ISE.


In 2022, we have further expanded the scale of ISE from over 500 students to 800, and successfully enrolled the graduates and undergraduates of class of 2022. As the only Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school in Tianjin with bachelor's and master's education, the responsibility and mission of ISE becomes more significant.

2022年,我们深入推进与波兰两所合作院校合作交流,成功举办第二届联合管理委员会、学术委员会会议, 完善本硕层次专业培养方案及办学合作细节,推进中外合作办学教育教学改革,竭力为学生提供最优质的教育。

In 2022, we have deeply promoted cooperation with BUT and CUT. We successfully held the Second Meeting of Joint Management and Academic Committees with our two Polish partners. Through continuous efforts to improve the training programs of bachelor and master levels, and to promote the reform of Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run education, we strive to provide our students with high-quality education.  


In 2022, we have sent two batches of graduates, totally 49 students, to study in BUT and CUT. This is a challenge, but also a precious opportunity for young students. We have seen your positive attitude to adapt to the overseas study and life, your heightened sense of responsibility in face of challenges and unusual circumstances. You have made breakthroughs and fulfilled your dream with confidence and determination. We are so proud of you!


In 2022, we have worked hard to ensure the efficient operation of education and teaching.  In face of the challenges of international education in the post-epidemic era, we have worked with relevant schools of TCU, together with our colleagues in Poland, to create an efficient remote teaching system. Students can get the elaborate guidance and care from their Polish teachers thousands of miles away. 

2022年,我们以学生为中心,多措并举提升学生的学业水平。我们与外国语学院积极探讨并实施针对中外合作办学专业的英语课程改革,举行欧洲英语B2标准水平加强辅导班,制作并发放新版专业英语词汇书,举行英语四级模拟考试及专业讲解培训,组织“国工大讲堂”学术科研讲座,学院 “一带一路”研习社学生社团开展24次英语学习活动,不断提升学生的学习兴趣、实践能力、创新能力和国际视野。组织各专业学生参加波兰两校英语考试,通过率平均达95%!

In 2022, we have taken a series of student-centered measures to improve their academic performance. Together with School of Foreign Languages, we actively discussed and implemented the English curriculum reform. What’s more, we held B2 English training, designed the brand-new professional English vocabulary book, carried out CET-4 Model Test and training, organized ISE lectures. The Belt and Road students’ club organized 24 English study activities. Through all these measures, we strive to improve students' interest in learning, practical ability, innovation ability and global vision. As for the English Tests held by two Polish universities this year, the passing rate of ISEers is 95%!


In 2022, we have improved the student-centered education system to promote the development of students with the measures of "Educating Five Domains Simultaneously”. We have invited 87 teachers to launch the Mentor Group to help provide guidance for students. We have strengthened the construction of educating systems such as online education, academic assistance, psychological education, financial education, scientific research education, practical education, cultural education, aesthetic education and sports education, to further enrich the campus life, create a good education environment and improve the quality of education.


Last year has witnessed our efforts and explorations. We have made remarkable achievements despite the challenges presented by the pandemic as well as the complexities and intricacies of the world, which made ISE more capable to navigate the obstacles and emerge even stronger. In 2023, despite of a great deal of challenges, we firmly believe that ISE’s vision will come true with concerted efforts, dedication and wisdom from all the faculty and students.

老师们、同学们、家长们、朋友们,再次感谢你们的陪伴与支持, 让我们一起,迈开步伐,走进未来,迎着风雨,一往直前,创造40001百老汇官网电子游戏更加精彩的2023!

Dear faculty members, students, parents and friends, thank you again for your accompany and support on this journey. Let’s join our hands to march forward and embrace new challenges, and look forward to an even more exciting 2023 of ISE!


Wish you good health and a Happy New Year!



International School of Engineering

January 1, 2023

上一条:【新年祝福】今日除夕 下一条:【国工要闻】我校举行40001百老汇官网电子游戏联合管理委员会和学术委员会第二次会议


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